Disclaimer Rule Parents

Disclaimer Rule Parents

General Rules for Students

  • Entry into school premises is not permitted before 7:00 a.m and late arrival will be permitted between 7:50 AM to 8: 00 a.m only three times in a month.
  • A minimum 80% attendance is compulsory to be eligible to appear in the examination.
  • Students must come to school in neat and tidy uniform and polished shoes. Hair should be trimmed and the nails must be cut regularly. Girls with long hair should make plaits. Fancy ornaments and makeup is not allowed.
  • Students are not allowed to use school phone without permission.
  • Respect for school property and school belongings is an absolute must.
  • In case of collective damage to school property entire class will be charged the cost of damage.
  • A vigilant outlooks should be maintain towards keeping the surroundings clean. All waste papers should be picked up and thrown into dustbin.
  • A student must speak in decent language all the time. He / she must ensure that his / her speech is courteous and polite.
  • Every student is required to carry the school identity card each day of the school.
  • Student are not allowed to receive private tuitions from the teachers of the school.
  • Students must report any incidents of bullying and ragging to the teachers immediately.
  • Student must extend due courtesy and respect of all members of staff. Respect for elders and affection for juniors should be soundly inculcated.
  • English is second language for most of us. But it is also a medium of instruction so try to get
    proficiency in it through conversing in same medium.

Prohibited Behiviour

  • Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence, habitual late coming, leaving the school premises without permission, disobedience and any type of unruly and objectionable behavior.
  • Writing, scratching, engraving, drawing and splashing ink or defaming school walls, furniture and property.
  • Resource to use of unfair means during examination.
  • Use of foul and unparliamentary language.

Prohibited Items

  • Jewellery, Henna, Tattoos.
  • Objectionable literature or expensive items.
  • Cell phones, iPods, CD, e-games.
  • Gift of any kind for distribution in school even for birthday.
  • Toys, any dangerous instruments, tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, chewing gum etc.

Leave or Absence

  • A student must not remain absent without prior permission of the Principal. Leave application must be submitted.
  • If a student remains absent from school due to illness or emergency, the parents needs to inform the school.
  • Leave will not be granted on the reopening or closing day of a term or session.

Important Points for Parents

All our considerations are in favour of child, his or her safety, well being and good education. All rules have been farmed keep that in view.


  • Students, cannot be called to the school office to attend phone calls or any visitors during school hours.
  • Parents are requested not to compel the teachers to give private tuitions to their ward as it is not permitted.
  • The student diary should be checked and sign even day.
  • The class teacher should be informed if there is any change in address, telephone number.
    The change should be recorded in the diary as well.
  • Parents / guardians are not permitted to enter class rooms to meet their children or to seek unscheduled interviews with teacher during school hours.
  • In case of any query or concerns parents are requested to visit the school on Saturday but in case of emergency they can visit Principal at anytime during school hours.
  • Any communication that parents wish to make with the school must be addressed to the Principal or Email zenithville203@gmail.com.
  • Half days and short leaves are not granted to the students.
  • Although school will take responsible care of student but accidental injury, loss or damage to the property of the child however caused, would not be the responsibility of Zenithville School or any individual employed by the school.
  • The school reserves the right to change class time, rooms and teachers and to make alternative arrangements for the tuition of its students.
  • The school reserves the right to make revision in Fees with prior notice to the parents.
  • Fees once paid shall not be refunded except security fees.
  • Scholl will put it utmost effort to improve struggling children performance and hence regular meetings are being organized but within three warnings if there is no visible improvement in child’s performance the school reserves the right to cancel the student admission who will show unsatisfactory result both in class test and term exams (below 60% result).
  • If parents want to discontinue their child’s education from the school. They must forward and application as a formal letter to the principal for issuance of school leaving certificate and state reasons in clear and concise way while maintaining a formal tone.